There will be two consecutive Inner Model Theory Events in Vienna this summer.

Determinacy, Inner Models and Forcing Axioms, June 24-28 2024 at the ESI

This will be a conference focussing on new developments in inner model theory and connections to Large Cardinals, Determinacy and Forcing Axioms. The first week will be an invitation only workshop.

July 1-5, 2024 at TU Wien

During the second week there will be three tutorials focusing on recent developments in inner model theory by Gabriel Goldberg, Nam Trang, and Farmer Schlutzenberg. The talks will take place in the morning, followed by a light buffet lunch and plenty of time for questions and discussion in smaller groups in the afternoon. Please complete the registration form by June 8 if you would like to attend the second week.

Group pricture from first week at ESI

Speakers for the first week at ESI

Tutorials in the second week by

Scientific Committee

Local Organizers

Lukas Koschat

Lukas Koschat

Andreas Lietz

Andreas Lietz

Benjamin Siskind

Benjamin Siskind

Lena Wallner

We gratefully acknowledge the generous support from the Erwin Schrödinger Institute (ESI), FWF START project Y1498, and FWF international project I6087. This event is co-organized and co-funded by the Wolfgang Pauli Institute (WPI).